دوشنبه 6 اسفند 1403

دوشنبه, 29 مهر 1392 01:34

Medical devices

رتبه این آیتم
به روز رسانی :دوشنبه, 29 مهر 1392
استان :تهران
شهر :Tehran
اطلاعات تماس آگهی بدلیل آنکه تاریخ ثبت آگهی و تاریخ به روز رسانی آگهی بیش از یک ماهه گذشته است نمایش داده نمی شود

Medical devices

 Medical devices have a wide range of applications, but it requires expert knowledge to develop and improve them. NIAMSH can assist you with all issues every step of the way.
 Medical devices play a huge role in many different healthcare settings. They are crucial in patient treatment and diagnostics, and they cover a wide range of instruments – from prostheses to drug delivery pumps.
 Although medical devices are immensely diverse, they still require some common areas of expertise. For example, risk assessment is needed when improving the design of products and equipment; world class production and troubleshooting skills are critical in the development process; efficient workflows demand production layouts with different classification areas; and medical device production needs to be validated for cost-effective GMP compliance.
 Medical devices cover single-use products such as catheters, cannulae and IV bags as well as infusion and transfusion sets. Other examples are medical dialysers, syringes, injection systems and inhalers, electro-medicine equipment such as diagnostic and monitoring instruments, as well as intra-wound care products and stent implants for ostomy care.
Growth and development characterise the industry – short product life cycles with continuous improvements based on new science, technology and materials.
 At NIAMSH, we are dedicated to supporting all aspects of the medical device industry, from the development phase all the way to the establishment and improvement of production facilities. And we know how to incorporate data driven decisions in product development to achieve consistent, cost-effective results.
 Consulting, Design and manufacture of  machinery, Supply machines for medical device , The material for medical device  , Preparation and purchase machinery for medical device, Installation of machinery for medical device, Design and construction of Clean rooms and Air handling unit , Designed disposable medical equipment production factories, packaging and sterilization for medical device


The Gold Category certificate in recogition of NIAMSH Co.LTD. received in paris in the year 2013 international star for leader in qualiy Award for outstanding business achievments , for perseverance and leadership in excellence , and quality in accordance with the QC100 ceriter

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