يكشنبه 26 اسفند 1403

شنبه, 15 مهر 1396 09:38

فروش رله حفاظتی VAMP ، فروش VAMP 52

رتبه این آیتم
به روز رسانی :شنبه, 15 مهر 1396
استان :تهران
شهر :تهران
اطلاعات تماس آگهی بدلیل آنکه تاریخ ثبت آگهی و تاریخ به روز رسانی آگهی بیش از یک ماهه گذشته است نمایش داده نمی شود

 شرکت توسعه سیماتک ایرانیان تامین کننده و وارد کننده رله حفاظتی VAMPScheneider   اشنایدر  ، از جمله     VAMP 52 ، سری VAMP 50  ، سری VAMP 200 در ایران می باشد .

نمونه ای از مشخصات محصولات VAMP   اشنایدر که توسط سیماتک ایرانیان به فروش می رسند .

برای دیدن مشخصات کامل محصولات از جمله کاتالوگ اطلاعات فنی به سایت سیماتک مراجعه کنید


فروش رله حفاظتی VAMP

رله حفاظتی اشنایدر

VAMP 52 Feeder and Motor Protection Relay

Key Features:


       Multifunctional yet user-friendly

       Extensive thermal protection functions optimal for low and medium-sized

asynchronous motors

       Directional earth fault protection and auto-reclose for the feeder protection

applications where automatic fault clearance is needed

       12 programmable LEDs : 2 fixed (power, error) and 8 freely programmable with

2 freely programmable push buttons (with LEDs)

       Single line diagram mimic with control, indication and live measurements

       Flexible hardware design for easy addition of optional modules including arc

sensor interface, extension of DI / DO channels and various communication

module adaptors

       Unicode language support for translation into any language

         Available as a slimline (S) case version

       Digital multifunction relay for asynchronous motors

       Large display for mimic and measurements

       Control keys for operational mode changes

       Control keys for object control

       Optional mA output

       Two optional module slots for arc sensor, Input/Output extension or various

communication interfaces

       Connectivity to PTD input module





   رله حفاظتی اشنایدر  VAMP 265

Key Features:


       Complete differential protection for generators, transformers and motors

       Use together with VAMP 210 for a complete generation protection scheme

       High stability against through faults

       2nd and 5th harmonic blocking

       Inbuilt Ethernet interface with Native IEC61850 communication including

GOOSE messages

       Numerical CT ratio correction

       Selectable connection groups

       Event handling and fault registration, up to 2000 event records

       Disturbance recorder

       Dual slope bias characteristic with fast operating time

       High stability during through faults

       Two differential overcurrent stages: Overcurrent stage and Earth fault overcurrent stage

       CB Failure protection

       Optional arc protection

       Standard VAMP communication modules for connecting the relay to various system communication solutions and medias (order options)




  رله حفاظتی  اشنایدر VAMP 230

Key Features:


       Feeder and motor manager suitable for various current and voltage


       5 Current & 3 Voltage inputs allows use of directional o/c and various

voltage-based protection stages

       Auto-reclose functionality

       Non-volatile memory storage

       Event handling and fault registration, up to 2000 event records

       Optional arc protection

       Active, reactive and apparent power as well as energy measurements 

       Supports maximum 8 Digital Inputs and 7 Digital Outputs

       Connectivity to PTD input module

       Inbuilt Ethernet interface with Native IEC61850 communication including

GOOSE messages

       Standard VAMP communication modules for connecting the relay to various

system communication solutions and medias (order options)

       Digital multifunction motor manager for asynchronous and synchronous motors

       Voltage transformer connections allow use of directional overcurrent and earth

fault protection in addition to various motor protection stages

       Input/Output capacity varies per product type


فروش رله حفاظتی VAMP

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